About The Association

The Persatuan Ekonomi Malaysia (PEM), or also known as the Malaysian Economic Association (MEA), was founded in 1962 by a group of Malaysian economists who have since carved for themselves prominent careers in various sectors of the economy. These founders include Tun Ismail Ali, Raja Tun Mohar, Tan Sri Jamil Rais, Royal Professor Ungku Aziz, and Dato’ Siew Nim Chee (Convenor).

The Association has chalked up a number of achievements consistent with its principal objectives. One of the important aims of the Association is to provide a forum for economists to exchange ideas on matters relating to the Malaysian economy and to allow for the dissemination of new ideas, new insights and findings on local economic matters among fellow economists as well as interested members of the public.

An important objective of the Association is to facilitate and inculcate greater awareness and understanding of important economic issues among the Malaysian public. The association has actively pursued this objective through its annual BNM Governor’s Address and annual Post-Budget Panel Discussion an event well-attended and is widely recognized as the source of thoughtful feedback on the Budget and its measures.

Besides these forums, the Association also organises lectures and seminars by prominent foreign economists to help members keep abreast of current international economic issues and developments.

The Association is often called upon to provide ideas and analytical input in the formulation of government policies. In a new and prestigious development, the PEM was given the distinct honour of organising and administering the first Tun Abdul Razak Awards for Best Written Contributions on the Malaysian Economy for the Tun Razak Foundation.

Twice a year the Association publishes jointly with the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya an academic journal , the Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies (formerly known as Kajian Ekonomi Malaysia). This journal invites local & foreign economists to present their thoughts, ideas and insights on a wide range of economic issues. In addition, the Association publishes a newsletter, the Ekonomika, for its members.

Our members include academics and a growing number from private organization in the industrial, banking and public sectors. It has also been the tradition of the Persatuan to select prominent Malaysian for its Roll of fellows (for merely Honorary Life Members) which includes the Allahyarham YAB Tun Abdul Razak, Yab Tun Hussein Onn and YB Tan Sri Khir Johari.

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