
Malaysian Journal Economic Studies

Aims & Scope:
The flagship publication of MEA is its journal, the Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies (MJES). This journal was first published in June 1964 as the Kajian Ekonomi Malaysia. The name of the journal was changed to the current title in 1988. MJES is published twice a year in June and December by MEA in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics & Administration (FEA), University of Malaya. A key objective of MJES is to promote publication of original research related to the Malaysian economy. Articles published cover a wide range of topics. They include papers on conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues in economics; and applied economics studies worldwide. From time to time, special issues are published as festschriften, or in commemoration of a signal event. An example is Volume 53 No. 1 (June 2016) which marks the 50th anniversary of FEA.

Frequency of Publication:
The journal is published twice a year, in June and December.

MJES is abstracted/indexed in ABI/Inform, ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), EBSCOhost, EconLit, e-JEL, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Informit, Islamic World Science Citation (ISC), JEL on CD, Scopus, MyCite.

MJES has been accepted for indexing in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI); with retrospective indexing of past issues. All articles published from 2013 onwards will be indexed. The inclusion of articles from the older volumes will definitely help to disseminate more of the research findings documented in the journal.

MJES is managed by an Editorial Board with local and international expertise

Information on Subscription:
The subcription price, payable in advance, is RM40.00 per issue (not including postage, packing and handling)for subscribers elsewhere, the subcription price is USD 20.00 (exclude air delivery charges). Subscription correspondence should be addressed to:

Malaysian Economic Association
c/o Faculty of Business & Economics
Universiti Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 - 7967 3647 / +603 - 7956 0075

Submission of Manuscripts:
Submission of manuscripts for publication consideration must follow the Guidelines for Authors available in the journal homepage.

You can access the journal online using the following link:

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